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Youtube Helps Parents to Parenting 

Youtube is an American video-sharing website. In Youtube, we can watch, share, comment, and upload our videos or other's. In 2018, Youtube, in particular, so close to young generation, especially in Indonesia, Youtube often to helps the parents, here are the reasons why Youtube can help parents in parenting :
First, Youtube has emerged as an alternative to traditional children's TV. Parents often use Youtube to please their child and not disturb them. We can say that this day parents use Youtube as a digital babysitter.

 Second, Youtube is cheap. We have to understand that maybe they do not want their children disturb them but they can't afford to pay a babysitter, they just use Youtube to look after their children. Youtube is very very cheap, not an expensive things to buy.

Third reasons, they think Youtube can teach their children to learn english. They think that their children can learn a bit about english. 

But Youtube has a negative sides too. Youtube can bring negative effects too, if children watch what they shouldn't watch, they will copy it and do it with their friends. In Indonesia, students can kill and bully their friends, because he thought that its cool to hit their friends as what they see from Youtube. 

Parent have to warn their children and just use it wisely. Parents should be accentuate face-to-face kind of parenting rather than just leave their children alone in the corner of a room with an iPad. 


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